The essential guide to EM London

This guide describes the basic technology supporting EM London. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact @tloubani or reply to this thread.

Main site

The main site is found at Here, you can find information related to billing, recent news, and announcements.

Forums / mailing list

The EM London Forums are our main discussion space. You can post to the various categories using the web interface or by emailing the following email addresses:

  • for Adult consultants. This goes to the category #administrative:adult-em and is accessible to all LHSC and St Joe’s consultants.
  • for Adult scheduling issues. This goes to the category #schedule:adult-schedule and is accessible to all LHSC and St Joe’s consultants. See this topic for more information on how to properly use this category.
  • for EMA partners. This goes to the category #administrative:ema and is accessible to all EMA Partners.

Kitab Al-Shifa

Kitab Al-Shifa is the scheduling software we use, which allows for trading and calendars to your phone / calendar program. It can be found at

Task management system

If you are interested in a kanban-based board system, you can use EMLondon’s, which allows for a card-based flow. Simply click on “OAuth login” at the bottom and use your regular EM London credentials.

YouTube channel

EM London hosts a YouTube channel where you can find Grand Rounds and a few other tidbits. All videos are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, so don’t hesitate to share!!


You can find EML at @emergencylondon.

Not yet fully up